Sorry for the delay, I was deep in the final edit of my book and I was in a wormhole or fighting with Adobe, that took days off my life.
I just want to to apologize to anyone who was offended by our popcorn bucket or was injured trying to use it. I’d like to be clear, the only way you should use it, is to eat popcorn. Fellas don’t stick your dipstick in there okay? I’ll be honest, I’ve never seen Dune. Not really my cup of tea. But my nephew, Leo, he loves it. He’s such fucking nerd, excuse me, fucking geek. So when I told him we were hitting out heads against the wall trying to come up with an idea for this damn popcorn bucket. We were like “something with Zendaya?” I was like you know what? Let’s call Leo? So I was like Leo, what do you got? He’s like Uncle A, what about a Sandworm?! I was like, “YES! Smart. Set it and forget it.” I forgot about it. But then I see this thing. Seriously WHAT THE FUCK?! That’s a sandworm? It looks like the Sarlac Pitt with a prolapsed asshole. This is why I don’t like Dune. It’s gross. Call me crazy but I’d rather watch M3gan. That’s good sci-fi cause it’s real. Honestly, I also think Leo is a pervert and wants to do “You know what” with this sandworm but I’ll let his mother deal with that. Honestly my life is a living hell, I got all these jerks making fun of me.I’d like to see Chalamet come up with a Popcorn Topper. Plus isn’t this director a french dude, this feels so up his alley. Plus I got popcorn distributors breathing down my neck saying, “You’re selling a bucket where you can’t get any popcorn out. So yeah, I messed up big deal. But you all all just like my wife, Susan, never can let me live anything down. I love her but she’s a nightmare. Anyway, i’m here today because I just want to make sure that I squash this disgusting rumor that the Planet of the Apes movie will have a popcorn topper tie in in the shape of a Monkey’s Butt. That’s not true. We stopped that a few weeks ago.
I just recently learned that 988 is the 911 for Mental Health. It’s all across the US and Canada and I was really luck to partner with 988 in OKLAHOMA, who are leading the charge of properly funding this hotline. The results are unbelievable 5 million calls have been placed to the hotline since July 2022 (as of Sept 2023). I directed and starred in this spot and i just wanted to share it
Here are some Commercial Pairings that we see next year
ALF for Viagra “Yo Willy”
Criss Angel for Optimum Tax Relief “Make your Loans Dissapear”
Dennis Rodman for The Tao of Tea “DEFENSE AGAINST COFFEE”
Shia Leboeuf - Wendy’s “Where’s the LeBeef”
Miley Cyrus for Home Depot “This is where I get my Flowers”
What else is going on:
I’m going to be in KNUCKLES, check out the trailer
On Unspooled we discussed AMADEUS and for Valentines Day on HDTGM we discussed 50 SHADES OF GREY.
i think we're Loterally asking that question to June for every HDTGM episode
This commercial is so good!